What a week!
Allison started to feel something in the early afternoon on Sunday. We went to the hospital, just to make sure, and Dr. Derosier (attending on call) confirmed that there was nothing there....
Well, we went home, sat down and started to eat supper... Around 8:30pm, we decided that we are going back to the hospital because Allison is feeling some strong contraction - at approx 5mins apart.
The fun part started in the car. By the time we drove from home - just behind the mall - to the hospital, Allison's contractions started to be a lot closer! Now, when I mean a lot closer, we mean - approx 2mins apart! It was crazy!
So, we got back to the hospital & this time we aren't leaving! We started to push around 11:30pm and Olivia was born at 12:53am on Monday morning.
It was incredible - watching a life come into the world and the miracle of life!
We did have a few complications from the delivery as Olivia was born at 9lbs 6oz. The first thing was that Dr. Derosier needed to use the vacuum in order to assist Allison in getting Olivia out. Because of this, there was a point where she was stuck & required a lot of assistance and had a problem breathing for the first few seconds of her life.
The other problem is that Olivia does also have Brachial Plexux - aka Erb's Palsy. It was very nerve racking thinking of what is going to happen. Currently, she only has mobility in her hand; although she is rolling her left shoulder ( her affected arm). We are going to be following some physiotherapy over the next few months in order to make things back to normal.
So, because we started the hospital stay at midnight, that didn't count as day one yet - and they always keep you at least 2 days. So, on Tuesday, that was day one, Wednesday was day 2 and during all of this time, Olivia spent her time in the NNICU. It was a little hard to accept that we had a baby because of the fact that we had to go & visit her in the "Special Care Unit". That's ok though! Cause on day 2, Olivia was brought to our room - only to have her put under the lights for Jaundice. This was fun! Imagine 7 ultra violet lights on overnight - while you sleep!
Feeding time!