Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cho Seung-Hui Sent Package to NBC Between Shootings!

Sometime after he killed two people in a dormitory but before he slaughtered 30 more in a classroom building Monday morning, Cho Seung-Hui sent NBC News a rambling communication and videos about his grievances, the network said Wednesday

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32 Nerdiest Tattoos on the Planet

You thought playing games & watching movies 24/7 was enough to make you a nerd? Well these people have taken it to the next level with some of the weirdest & geekiest tattoos known to man. Ranging from Halo to Soul Calibur through to Star Wars....

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VT Shooters Father Commits Suicide

This story keeps getting worse & worse!

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Blood-puddle Pillow [Pics]

This is hilarious! Check it out!

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Rural Arkansas school turns school buses into classrooms

This seems to be a very interesting way to promote education & learning on the fly! Let me know what you think.

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HUMOUR : Six Funny Life Lessons

Number 7 is especially funny!

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virgina Tech College Shootings

This is truly unreal. Here is a link to some photos taken on scene. The first thing that came to mind when I heard about this shooting, was our own shootings in recent times at Dawson College and the horrible incident they recently suffered.

What's even worst is people trying to capitalize on such events. I'm sure that if we where to do a little digging on the net, we'd be able to find all kinds of horrible things.

Our thoughts & prayers are with all families that are affected!

The power of the internet certainly makes things global seem local.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Geek Culture [PICS]

Want to see some hardcore PC setups? Check it out!

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Too lazy to look at the stars?

I know there are people like me who are too lazy to look out at the night sky. So just sit down and click around.

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Friday, April 13, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Decisions to be made!


What a week that I've got planned - or should I say had planned out! I can't believe that the week is already over!

I've made a big decision - all of my clients this week and part of next week are during the evenings. Well, the way that it's going now, I never get to see Olivia & Allison although we usually don't get to bed until 1 or 2am anyways! So, what I'm planning on doing is simply modify my work schedule to allow me to spend more time with Allison & Olivia during her "waking" hours.

So, if I don't have any clients during the day, I'll try not to book any appointments, unless the clients ask for one, and spend that time with them. I know that this will just continue to strenghten our family bond!

Talking about bonding, we purchase a Sony Handycam this week. I think this was a great investment. Allison & I were talking and she wanted me to convince her why we should get one. I told her that some of the most important times in our lives are coming up pretty quickly - for example, when Olivia starts to walk, talk, crawl, sit up - anything like that! I want to be able to have a video record of it instead of a low light caption on our digital camera.

Work is treating me well so far! I've been busy, maybe not at busy as some of the other reps; however, I'm still holding my own... I've got 30% of my target done with 1.5 quarters done of the year. So it's not too bad! I hope that it continues this way & that it gets busier. I'd love to have big paychecks!

I hear that the weather is supposed to change for the worse tomorrow! I really hope that we don't get hit with another 20cm's of snow! I really can't handle that! Considering it's only going to be the second major snow storm of the "winter season", it's not too bad.

So, I've had my "donation" button live for a while, but I have yet to receive any donations.Mind you, I'm not getting as much traffic as I'd hope, but none the less... i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I am continuing to try to find different places where I can be introduced to the people of the web - I've added my blog to a few different listings - as shown on the right...

Well, that's all I've got for now!

'til next time!

TireCraft Fire

The City of Moncton lost another business last week. TireCraft or Presidents Tire was completely engulfed in flames & was a complete lost. Here are some pictues of the huge fire balls of flames.

What's going on?

I am now officially starting to ask myself why we are fighting this war! We have lost 2 more soldiers in Afghanistan.

I have always been proud of our Canadian Military; however, I was proud that we where peacekeepers & not peace makers. I think it's time we start revisiting why we are there & consider pulling out!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Defendant prevails in another RIAA file-sharing case

Another file-sharing case is dismissed, and the RIAA is on the wrong end. Next up is a motion for attorneys' fees in Elektra v. Santangelo. Glad to see the RIAA loosing some of it's cases!

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Monday, April 09, 2007

If Homer Simpson was Real

We're used to Homer in 2 dimensions, we've even seen him as a 3D character in the series. But what would he look like if he was a real person? This step by step study answers this question.

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Friday, April 06, 2007

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Help me get a MAC

Well, I've pretty much always been a Windows kinda guy & lately, I've been listening a lot to Leo Laporte and what he has to say on anything & everything tech wise.... Well, it's got me curious in regards to what a MAC has to offer.

What I would love to have is a MacBook Pro. I've started to like technologie more & more as I'm working this Mortgage Rep job because it gives me time to listen to the podcast while I'm driving & gives me ideas of things that I'd love to do! (if you make a donation, you will see that you are directed to my paypal site with my business name - - don't be alarmed - that's really me!)

I have so many ideas as to how I can grow this business that it's unreal. The problem is that the bank isn't always ready to embark on such adventures. I know that the competition is doing it because I've listened to their podcasts.

When I think about it, I understand why they want to control everything, but I think if they allowed some user generated content onto some of there sites like mine for example, I strongly believe that I could generate more leads & in turn generate a higher income for RBC. I know that myself, I can't make a million dollars for RBC in net income; however, if we all did the little things, I'm sure that it will add up.

Allison & I have been talking lately about a possible career change. I've love to do something technological, but I'm not sure that will happen in Moncton. Plus the fact that I don't have any Tech Certificates doesn't help!

I'm keeping my options open & I'm not actively looking for employement, but if someone was to make an offer that was very interesting, I'm sure that I would consider it!

Well, that's all that I've got new for now!

'til next time!