Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Can't believe that summer is already over! It's Sept 2nd & I have no idea where the summer went. It truly just flew by!

Not a whole lot has been happening over the summer... Olivia is growing both her mind & in height. She has new words every day & new experiences every day! We decided to start her full time at daycare. It's going to work better for us that way because we won't have to rely on our parents... We don't want to limit their lives!

Other then that, work is going pretty good. I have been asked to be a supervisor at work... I'm really happy about that considering I almost didn't make it through the training....

Other then that, I have become co-author on the NBBlogRoll website - I'm hoping that we can provide more exposure to NB Bloggers on the web.

Well, that's about all I've got for now. I'll try not to wait so long for the next post.

'til next time!