Well, this was an interesting evening. I had my first taste of illegal gambling... lol My friend's family was down for the weekend & they decided to have a TH game. It was pretty interesting. I didn't win, but it's the fun that counts.... At least that's what the losers say! LOL
It's funny how life is. I could have gone home this weekend, which I may have; however, Allison and I had a good conversation over the last couple of days that has really helped us to grow closer, at least I think so. It's almost getting to the point that I'm tired of living without her here, or me there.... without her!
I'm not saying that I was fine with it before, it's just that it was manageable. I have even started to actively look for employment outside of the bank in order to be able to relocate to Moncton. Allison is so anxious for us to be together, that she is already house shopping - and I don't even have a position yet. I totally understand why she's doing it, to be prepared for the day, but at the same time, I'm almost worried that we may be getting ahead of ourselves.
Here is a pic of the Saint-Leonard Fire Department. I can tell you one thing for sure. It's not at all the same thing as how a full time department runs. I find myself comparing a lot of things to my old experiences and I have to try to stop that. I know that somethings are good comparisons, but others, I would have to keep to myself. I actually enjoy part of a 100% volunteer FD. It really makes you know your equipment because of the fact that you are checking your equipment, taking care of all of your equiment & gear. Really makes you notice things!
Well, I think that's all I've got for tonight. Keep an eye open, I am going to try to post as often as I can.
Oh, before I forget - Just thought I'd share the other event that happened today! I got to answer my first international fire call.
Van Buren FD had a structure fire this morning. So, having an Automatic Aid response agreement, we rolled out and went accross the border. Nothing extra exciting. Just the same thing as crossing on my own... lol
The fun part came afterwards. They wanted us to join them for a de-briefing & noone was responding (as a Captain or whichever), so I took the initiative to head over myself. Upon arrival, we went through the call details and they invited me to stay for pizza. It was fun! Got to meet more people!
Well, that's it from my little corner of the world!
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