Friday, May 04, 2007


Why is it so hard to think of something to say when you want to say something! Does that even make any sense?

I guess I just wanted to start with a ramble! now that's out of the way, we can carry on....

Olivia is the big 5 today! I can't believe that 5 months has already gone by! You never really realize how fast time does go by until you have a child!

Talking about a child - I ordered some stuff from rbcperformance - a reward program that work has, and it's already in! I'm so excited! It's a fish rocker for Olivia, a walker and a golf bag for me. I think I'm going to take a drive tonight & pick those things up! I can't wait!

Other then that, not a whole lot else is going on. Still pluggin away at work, trying to make a million$$, but I don't think it's going to happen this year. Oh well....

The competition is trying to tempt me to cross over! Talked to an old colleague who works with them & she said that she likes it very much! I'm not sure that I'd want to make the move, just cause, after a 3rd straight year, I'd be starting over again. So I told the area manager for the mtg development officers that I wasn't interested anymore & she didn't take no for an answer... Just like a true banker!

She told me that she was going to send me some information regarding how they work & asked me to compare it to what I'm doing now.... i have yet to receive that email.

Talking about jobs, my sister is going to have an interview with Moncton Regional Vice President on Monday. I'm anxious to see what's going to happen! I can't wait! I hope that she gets it! She needs to have a better income job. She's worked at Coles for the last 10yrs & she's done well, but the income is - as always, retail income. Never enough to really be able to live.

There's also some pretty interesting news with the new Banking Acts. Homeowners no longer need to have a 25% down payment. The Federal Government has decided to reduce that to a 20% down payment before default insurance has to kick in. It might not affect a whole lot of purchase transactions; however, it will have a huge impact on the refinance deals & our new Homeline product.

Talking about new products, RBC has also come out with a way for you to get free banking depending on the number of products that you have. It's a way for us to say Thank You.

Well, I guess that's all I have for now! I must be going!

'til next time!

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