Friday, December 08, 2006

Olivia Mae Gallant

What a week!

Allison started to feel something in the early afternoon on Sunday. We went to the hospital, just to make sure, and Dr. Derosier (attending on call) confirmed that there was nothing there....

Well, we went home, sat down and started to eat supper... Around 8:30pm, we decided that we are going back to the hospital because Allison is feeling some strong contraction - at approx 5mins apart.

The fun part started in the car. By the time we drove from home - just behind the mall - to the hospital, Allison's contractions started to be a lot closer! Now, when I mean a lot closer, we mean - approx 2mins apart! It was crazy!

So, we got back to the hospital & this time we aren't leaving! We started to push around 11:30pm and Olivia was born at 12:53am on Monday morning.

It was incredible - watching a life come into the world and the miracle of life!

We did have a few complications from the delivery as Olivia was born at 9lbs 6oz. The first thing was that Dr. Derosier needed to use the vacuum in order to assist Allison in getting Olivia out. Because of this, there was a point where she was stuck & required a lot of assistance and had a problem breathing for the first few seconds of her life.

The other problem is that Olivia does also have Brachial Plexux - aka Erb's Palsy. It was very nerve racking thinking of what is going to happen. Currently, she only has mobility in her hand; although she is rolling her left shoulder ( her affected arm). We are going to be following some physiotherapy over the next few months in order to make things back to normal.

So, because we started the hospital stay at midnight, that didn't count as day one yet - and they always keep you at least 2 days. So, on Tuesday, that was day one, Wednesday was day 2 and during all of this time, Olivia spent her time in the NNICU. It was a little hard to accept that we had a baby because of the fact that we had to go & visit her in the "Special Care Unit". That's ok though! Cause on day 2, Olivia was brought to our room - only to have her put under the lights for Jaundice. This was fun! Imagine 7 ultra violet lights on overnight - while you sleep!

Feeding time!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Kiwi - This is the cutest!

I need not say more!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I miss my phone

I sent my phone to get fixed & I really miss it! LOL

I got a replacement phone - the Nokia 6585 - and it sucks compared to my Razr V3c. Oh well, at least when I get it back, it'll be all working and stuff! Also, I bought a nice case on eBay over the weekend - I'll be much better then the bulky one that I have now. The other case that I had for it wasn't holding it properly & my phone ended up on the ground a few times to many!

What a long weekend! Our friends from Saint-Leonard where down for the weekend! It was fun. We went to the Dieppe Farmers Market on Saturday & it's quite the place. It was the first time that Allison & I visited the place. If I was motivated enough, I could even bring my business to the place & sell on location, but 0730 is so early on a Saturday morning!

We bought an infant swing set from Air Miles - the Ocean Wonders and after I put it together, I discovered that the motor housing was all yellow. Allison even noticed a "burnt" smell to it. I called Fisher-Price & they have sent out a new motor housing at no cost to us. That's great customer service! I didn't even want to put batteries in it or anything. Didn't want to take a chance!

Talking about customer service, I decided that last week, I wasn't going to put up with bad customer service, so I would send complaints to companies that deserve to know what's going on at their local stores. First one was Subway in Moncton. Allison had gone there & ordered her lunch. The problem was that there was a hair on the bun & the employee didn't even want to throw out the bun! That's gross!

The second complaint was to Kernel's Popcorn in Champlain Mall. There were 2 employees working; however, only 1 was serving clients. The other was doing the end of day stuff. She was complaining at how much work she had to do & that she would have to come in the next day. I was quite surprised at how loud she was saying all these thing!

So, I sent off emails to both companies & in return, they are going to send us coupons or vouchers for free food. I was quite impressed!

Well, i guess that's all the rants I have for now!

'til next time!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Here's a thought!

I can't believe that I haven't heard anything yet for the job. I was talking to the other guys last night & they haven't heard anything either.

I was also talking to the other candidates & I think that I have a really good shot at getting a full time job next year, as in January. The FD is going to be hiring 4 more full time guys and they always pick them from the casuals, so I'm really hoping that I have a casual job & then I can get a full time job shortly there after.

Other then that, there's not a whole lot new going on. We went to our Labour & Delivery class last week. It was pretty interesting. There was a video that was supposed to have been shown; however, the instructor couldn't get the vcr to work with the projector. That's ok though...

We are in our final stretch. Only 6.5 weeks left to go. Allison is off this week, so we are trying to get things done around the house (carpet cleaning, general cleaning, ...).

One of the best Canadian Shows that I've seen on TV has to be Corner Gas. Not only is it hilarious, but it's funny at the same time! (I know - I know!)

Anyways, this past weeks episode was about blogging (won't go any further - just in case you haven't seen it yet).

Anyways, that's all i've got for now!

'til next time!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The waiting begins

Well, I had my interview last Friday & I think that it went well. I guess - like anything else, it's just my interpretation of the situation.

I'm really hoping that I get this job. I would love the extra money, but I would also love doing the job on a more regular basis. According to the Chief, he said that HR would let him know by mid November. That's long to wait!

Other then that, not a whole lot going on. We had a baby shower on Saturday & it was lots of fun! We got lots of gifts and lots of blankets! I know that we need them all, but it's just funny to see how much stuff that we got... I'm such a big kid! As soon as we got home, I put the exo-saucer together & also the mobile for the crib! I'll have to take a pic of our nursery to show you...

Well, that's about it for now!

'til next time!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Can it be true?

Well, Allison wasn't feeling the baby moving as much as she had in the last couple of weeks, so she called our Dr & got an appointment.

At our appt, the Dr decided to have a profile done up to ensure that everything was ok with the baby. Well, during the profile, Allison decided that she'd ask the nurse (or whoever she was) if she had seen anything that would give us the sexe of the baby.

Well, she said that she didn't see anything yet; however, she started to look for it and found the sexe for us.


We are really happy about it & can't wait for her to be born!!!!

Keep u posted!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

3 Steps Done

Well, I know that I promised an earlier post; however, I just got busy at work & I didn't have time to post, but here we are!

I've got the written exam, knowledge exam and my physical exam all completed & I will be going to an interview on Friday morning.

I'm certainly keeping my fingers crossed and will let you all know what happens as soon as I know what's going on.

Other then that, nothing else to interesting is going on other then our Baby Shower on Saturday. Should be fun & we'll have tones of pics....

Well, back to work for now!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Written Exam

Well, today is the first part of the written exam.

I have approx 1hr before I have to head out & write my exam. I know that I'm going to do good, but there's always that feeling in your stomach! Well, I hope that I do very well!

It's a 50 question multiple choice, so I'm guessing that within the hour, I should be done & back home.

I'll post my thoughts afterwards.

On another subject, I have been watching this new show that CBC put out called The Dragon's Den. I actually love that show. It's 5 Canadian Million/Billionaires that are willing to put up some money in order to help start-ups get, well, started up.

Well, that's all for now! Time for lunch!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My new toy

Well, I won something on the internet the other day! I'm so excited! I got it in the mail yesterday!

It's called the mStation Orb! It's freaking awesome! I can't believe how cool it is! I can honestly say that I'm having good luck! I got the Ipod for free through work & and now I won this Orb thingy! It's so kewl! The only thing that I need now is to get a job with the FD!!! Fingers still crossed!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Resume has been dropped off

Well, like the title says, my resume got dropped off & I have my times set up for my testing. They are as follows:

Written exam: Oct 12, 13h30
Knowledge exam: Oct 13, 14hrs
Physical (aka: DND Test): Oct 16, 15h30

I'm really anxious & I know that I'm going to do well, but I hope that it's well enough to get a job. I have actually respondided to medical calls & I have not been as nervous as I was in the past - which to me - is a great thing!

Also, this weekend, was the start of Fire Prevention week. It was a gorgeous day & I got to drive our heavy rescue truck in the parade.

Well, I'm outta here for now!

'til next time!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

FD Training

WoW, I konw that it's been a couple of weeks since I had my Fire Dept training, but I thought I'd bring you up to speed anyways!

On Friday, Sept 14th, we headed out to Miramichi to participate in the annual Fire Training. It's a blast! Classes start early on Saturday, so that's why we head up early. There's 8 of us from Dieppe that went to the training.

On Saturday Morning, myself, Jean Richard (a casual with Dieppe Fire Dept) and Marc Cormier (a fellow volunteer & Prison Guard) had flashover training.

The quick and easy definition of a flashover is when all the objects in a room ignite at the same time.... It's a little more complicated then that, but you get the drift!

So, we sit through class hosted by HRM Fire Dept and we go through the basics of fire behavior during a flashover.

After the class is when all the fun started! We went into a trailer and watch fire appear out of nowhere. I'm serious.... when the smoke reached a certain temp, the gases in the smoke would ignite (thus the flashover).

We ended up staying approx 20 mins in the trailer.

In the afternoon, we did LAST training (Large Area Search Team) and it was pretty interest. We searched a large Gym for RescueRandy. It was an interesting method of doing a search... we ended up basically being tied to one another.

When we got back to the hall, we noticed that the trucks where already gone... We just guessed that they had a call, but when we checked the fax, we noticed that they had a House Fire. Well, the blood is pumping now!

So, the DC (Deputy Chief) radios the fire scene & they are going crazy for help! Apparently some of the guys had gotten lost in the basement of the house and 1 was taken to hospital. It was a crazy scene!

Well, we ended up going to the scene & helped with overhaul operations - to make sure that the fire was out & what not.

So, all in all, I had a great weekend of training!

The other good news is that Dieppe Fire Department is hiring - 2 Full Time & 2 Casual Firefighters (to replace the 2 casuals that are going to get the full times....)

So, I'm applying & hoping that I get in! Keep your fingers crossed!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Sept 11, 2001

It's a georgeous Tuesday morning & I'm up early because I'm going to the firehall to work on the training house with the Chief (then Deputy Chief). We want to clean it up a little because we are having some training that weekend.

Well, it's now 945 AST and the Chief got a page from his wife. He ignores it; however, he gets another paid only moments later. He tells me that he's going to call her back & I simply keep cleaning. After a short conversation, he comes back to me & says that an aircraft has just crashed into the World Trade Center.

I'm a little confused as to what type of Aircraft this could be, so I ask - Was it a Cesna? Do they know what kind of plane it was?

We quickly finish up (as we where almost done anyways) and head back to the fire hall. Once we get there, we arrive just in time to see the Second Aircraft, United Airlines Flight 175 crash into the South Tower.


That's all there was for quite a few minutes after the flight 175 crashed into the building. I ended up staying there for another couple of hours (until 1130 or so) and the Chief (at that time - Luc Grandmaison) asked for any of the people to stand by because they where re-routing the
aircrafts still in the air to the nearest airports around; which included Moncton, Halifax and Nfld.

I remember getting home & sending an email to Allison saying that I wasn't going to work today as I was going to be on stand-by at the fire hall because of what was going on. I remember watching the buildings falling into themselves & thinking about the thousands of people that where going to be trapped inside.

I honestly felt helpless. I wanted to be albe to go & do something, but what? What was I going to be able to do?

Well, we got back to the Fire Hall & ended up going to the Airport as the aircrafts where coming in. Well, after sitting on the tarmac for a while, the Airport Fire Chief strongly suggested that we move ourselves & our vehicles to safer distances - as a precaution.

So, we moved to a location accross the street from the Airport - the Church on Champlain St. I remember thinking to myself that I wanted to be home or wherever to watch what's going on - but I quickly realised that I was as much involved as anyone else in North America that day. We all played a role in ensuring the safety of everyone who was landing.


A few month earlier, Allison and I were married - July 14th, 2001. Well, for our honeymoon, we went to Disney land via Newark, NJ. We saw New York City from above and saw the WTC Towers. I was amazed at how tall they looked from the sky. I couldn't imagine looking at them form the ground up....

363 FDNY Firefighters where lost that day.

Lets make sure that we never forget!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Movie Review

Allison & I went to the movies last night. We saw Accepted. It was pretty good. I laughed out loud a quite a few scenes. The only thing that I hate about movies like that is that they are so predictable.

I mean, you know exactly what's going to happen and how it ends. I guess it's still nice to live in a dream world.

On another topic - (always makes me think of a simpson's episode) - My Birthday is coming up pretty quick. I can't wait! If you feel the need to donate some money, please feel free.... email me & I'll let you know where to send the money!

It's hard to imagine that I'm going to be 28.... I can certainly tell you that I don't feel 28. I mean, I certainly don't act like a 28yr old..... Ask Allison, she'll tell you that I'm still somewhat imature! LOL

I'm hoping this week will be a busy week. Not only for work, but for the Fire Dept as well. This is my week on call, so I get to answer all of the medical calls that come in...

Well, that's about it for now!

'til the next one......

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Well, I've officially started to really hate MSN.... especially since the went "live". Urgh! How freaking frustrating can that be!

MSN keeps crashing on me and it seems to be really unstable and extreemly slow. So, I'm slowly going to start converting everyone away from MSN.

I've tried GoogleTalk and I really like it. Especially now. You can leave people voicemails when they aren't around & they will receive them in their Gmail account. I've told a couple of people about this & they said that they don't want to create a new account.

That's the only thing. I've had my hotmail account forever, but i don't use it anymore. I have a pop3 account & on top of that, I also have my business account, my work account & now my gmail account.

I sometimes wish that GoogleTalk had a couple more functions, but it's still in beta or just about to come out of it... I'm sure that there will be improvements along the way.

If you ever decide to use GoogleTalk or already using it, please feel free to add me

Well, that's all I've got for now!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Starting off another week!

Hard to beleive that we are at the end of August! urgh! where did the Summer go! Oh well, I'll have something to keep me really busy soon enough... in 16 weeks! How freaking exciting!

Today is a horrible Monday morning! It's rainning out, really dark & grey plus on top of that, it's only 15 out! That's freaking cold.....

Well, I finally got my bathroom floor installed! It turned out quite nice. I can't wait to finish it. I have to buy some baseboards & maybe some quarter round, but that's about it. We have also moved the cat litter out of that washroom so that we can actually use it as a washroom.

Oh, we had mitex come in this morning to do the living room & master bedroom. It's a really neat process.... well, not so much process, but you know what I mean. The floor feels cleaner & softer. I definetly recommend it!

I just got off the phone with this salesman from synergyadspecs and he was extreemly pushy to try to get me to buy some pens. He was trying to convince me that $5/pen was a good deal & he wasn't taking no for an answer. To be honest, in my business, I can't see handing out pens to clients just because. Like I told "Tom" - if I had a home show coming up, maybe I could "afford" to just throw away money!

Anyways, when I told him no 5 times, he just seemed to get so disappointed & he didn't even want to show me an image or whatever. I had no idea what he was proposing to me! WHATEVER!!! - My Money - My Decisions!

Well, I now have a cell phone available for sale. It's a older model (3yrs old) from Telus. It was a decent phone at the time, but now that the contract it up, I want to get rid of it. So, if you are looking for a phone, please let me know!

That's all I've got so far today!

'til the next one!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Medical after Medical after Medical

Well, apparently yesterday was a very busy day for the fire department. They have something like 8 medical calls.

I was lucky enough (if you want to call it that) to attend an medical assist call. A gentleman had fallen out of bed & was unable to get back in. The only reason that I got to go out on that call was because the guys had received another call about 3 minutes before for a 10yr girl that was unresponsive. As the Truck-22 was reponding, dispatch came over the air & updated the guys saying that they where now perfoming CPR on the child.

From what the Lt was saying, the girl passed away upon arrival at the hospital. The worst thing of it all is that it was her birthday on August 24th. The parents where apparently devastated.

When I got home from those 2 calls, I turned on the scanner & just listened to it with Allison as we where getting ready to go to bed - at our usual 1am and Codiac was pretty busy along with the Ambulance service. Well, I heard that the ambulance was going to the hospital with a patient & they came on the air asking for the Fire Dept cause there was a car that was on fire. As I was laying there, I said to Allison - too bad that's not me!

Well, like they say, you get what you wish for. Shortly after 2am, we got a call that Ditech had fire in their walls. Well, we got on scene & the first truck - Engine-21 was able to put the fire out without any additional assistance. We simply rolled up the hose & cleaned it off at the station. All in all, I think we had 10 guys & 3 trucks that responded. Pretty good turn out for 2am! I was lucky enough to get back into bed by 4am!

This morning I also had the joy of getting up early to go & visit Dr Sylvie LeBlanc for Allison's check up. This is going to be the last time we see her for a year...

Well, that's pretty much it for now!

'til the next call comes in!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

As Promised

As promised, here are links to the articles in the Times & Transcripts for yesterdays post.

Car Accident & Air Ambulance

Now, in the "car accident" article, you will see a firefighting trying to pry a door open. Unfortunately, that's not me! Someday soon, but not me today (or yesterday!).

I had to privilege of going to the dentist. It wasn't too bad. At least this was a regular check up and not my usual 9 year waiting period. Not that I do it on purpose, but it usually just happens that way. It was kind of funny actually, because I was in & out in 15 minutes - cleaning and all! I couldn't believe it.

I'm not sure if I mentioned that I had partnered up with a local developer & a realtor for a new subdivision project. I'm really excited about this & I can't wait to see a billboard that they are going to be putting at the building site. I can't wait to see what the final project looks like. What's kind of funny is that I was never consulted on during the design, they just assumed that I wanted such & such to appears; however, the realtor had it modified the way that I wanted it to appear.

Here is a draft copy of what it was supposed to look like.

Personally, I like the design & layout. The only thing extra that I have added was my title - Mortgage Specialist. Originally, they had removed my phone number even. They said that the clients will confuse me with the realtor & contact me to find out about the lot prices. The way that I look at it is if they do that, then it's an open door for me to try to finance the project.

Well, that's all that I've got for now!

'til the next one!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Crazy Morning

Well, I had a crazy morning today! First, we had another MVA; however, this time, we had the priviledge of having Global news & maybe a Times & Transcript Photographer. If I can find the article, I'll post it tomorrow.

Also, we had a potential aircraft crash today. The Medic-Air plane had warnings that it's landing gear was not locking down and they declared an emergency. So, we got dispatched out & waited on the tarmat and watched the aircraft sucessfully land with all 3 wheels locked down in place.

So, all in all, it was a fun morning. I can't wait to be able to do this for a full time.....

'til the next emergency!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Huge Fire

I just remembered that I have a video of a block fire that happened recently. not sure why it was put to "Stairway to Heaven" but it was....

Motor Vehicle Accident

Nothing really important to share, but just thought I'd share my latest adventure. We had a call for a MVA this morning at 9am.... not bad for a wake up call - kinda what I needed to get me out of bed this morning!

Anyways, not sure how they hit, but they hit some freaking hard! Lets just say that the cars where pointing in opposite directions from the way that they where originally travelling... if that makes any sense.

It was a quick call - only lasted about 1hr - the average.

Moncton also had 2 calls today for mva's. Looks like it's going to be that type of day!

Oh, I also got myself some hyperwhite (or whatever you want to call them) light bulbs for my car. They rock! I can see much clearer now at night time. They make quite a difference.

That's it for now!

'til the next one!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Well, that was fun!

Well, I can tell you that it's some warm out there!

We just had a house fire this morning. The call came in around 10am & I only stepped foot into the house at 2:30pm. There was quite a bit of smoke showing when we got on scene - 2nd truck out and 2 guys & myself went into the upstairs apts to check for fire extension. I had the priviledge of using the new TIC (Thermal Imaging Camera). It was small & very light. I couldn't believe it.

Anyways, other then that, there's nothing else new. Yesterday was the Acadian Celebration. I personally didn't do much, but there was all kinds of parties through-out NB.

Well, I guess that's all that I have to share right now.

'til the next one!

Monday, August 07, 2006


Well, we are back from the visit up north.

It was actually really nice to see Eric, Sylvie & Zoe. It was a fun visit.

The wedding was extreemly nice. To everyone's surprise the bride & groom showed up by boat. It was an outdoor wedding held at the Grand Falls Marina. I guess I don't really have much more to say then that!

The room we stayed it wasn't too bad either. We stayed at the Motel Daigle, which is accross our old appartment in Saint-Leonard. We had a cottage and they are seperate from the main hotel itself, so we had no one bothering us from the other rooms.

Other then that, not a whole lot else going on. I went to my grand-parents this afternoon & tried to fox their computer. Their PC is a true mess. Not sure what happened, but while I was trying to open Explorer, I had 20 pop-ups show up & major system lag. I couldn't beleive it!

The best movie is on Showcase right now!

Strange Brew - with Bob & Doug McKenzie. I saw that they had it for sale at future shop a while back & I had to buy it!

Talking about sale, when we bought out house, there was a dishwasher already installed. Well, my father-in-law and I uninstalled it & put in our older portable one. It was worth it as it has a lot more room.

Well, we had sold the dishwasher to my sister-in-law's co-worker & apparently after a couple of days, it stopped working or never worked - depending on when he installed it. So, my sister-in-law called us & told us the problem & he said that he just wanted to give us back the dishwasher & we'd give him back the money.

Well, I thought about it for a couple of days & decided that I'd drop by his place & see what the problem was with the dishwasher. Well, I got call today saying that his wife got annoyed of waiting (only 3 days) and decided to go out & buy a new one.

So, now I have a dishwasher sitting in the garage. I'm going to test it before I put it up for sale again, but I'm sure that I'm going to be able to get rid of it pretty quickly.

So, if you know someone who is interested in a dishwasher, please let me know!

Well, that's about all that's new so far! Oh, the pregnancy is going good so far.... except Allison feels extreemly hot pretty much all the time!

'til next time!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Heading North

Yes, you heard it right! We are heading back to Saint-Leonard this weekend!

It's only for a visit, for a wedding to be exact....

Janot & Melissa (Sylvie's sister) are getting married this weekend. This should be an interesting weekend! I'm kinda happy to be able to see Zoe, Eric and Sylvie. Also, I'll be seeing some of the people from the Fire Department, actually, it should be everyone from the FD.

On another note, we've discovered that we have a wasp infestation. No idea where, but they are coming into the house - somehow. The funny thing is that they don't seem to fly. I mean, they just kinda walk accross the floor and hop up onto the window ledge or wherever.

Other then that, not a whole lot is going on. I'm planning on heading to a training in Miramichi in September - for the Fire Dept. Should be interesting!

Wow, I guess this is what happens when you are up at 1:15 in the morning.... I feel like I'm blabbling!

Well, time for bed! Have a long drive tomorrow.

I'll post some thoughts when I get back!

'til then!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

New Truck

I noticed the other day that Moncton aquired a new Rescue truck. I was able to snap a pic with my Razr phone. It's a little fuzzy, but it's pretty good!

This pic was taken at the St George Fire Station. I have some pics of the Dieppe Trucks, but they are very old as the trucks have all been painted to a red color.

So, just thought I'd share this....

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Today was the big day!

We went to the hospital for our very first ultrasound. It was very exciting! I've known that we have a baby for a while, but to see it instead of hearing it is just so wonderful! I know that we are really happy to be in this position - to be able to bring a new life into the world!

I guess the baby was really moving around & the technicien was surprised that Allison couldn't feel the baby moving around.

We've got 3 pics & right now they are making their way around Allison's work. I'll be scanning them shortly & posting a pic here along with moving a copy to my Ipod & Phone for later on.

December is not far away! We are going to have to start shopping soon I think. We have to decide what we want to do for a stroller. My sister-in-law is giving us her; however, we need to go & buy a new car seat.

Exciting stuff!

Money is going to have a whole new meaning soon!

Well, nothing else is new yet, so as soon as I get a chance to scan the images, I'll post & share with the world!

'til the next one!

Monday, July 24, 2006

The weekend has come & gone

I can't believe that another weekend has come and gone! It's unreal how fast time is going! Hard to believe that the month of July is already over!

Urgh! oh well!

I had an interesting weekend! I ended up painting a dark blue wall into a beige wall. It turned out to be quite nice actually! I'm really happy with the color that Allison had chosen.

Here are are couple of pics.

Well, that was my weekend! It wasn't bad & I enjoyed painting, so no complaints from me! I also tackled another room that we are trying to renovate, the basement bathroom. It's just plain old ugly!

Here are a couple of pics of that!

The tile was really really ugly & the worst or best thing (depending on how you look at it) was that the tile wasn't even glued to the boards. It was held in place by the grout only! You have no idea how much that actually relieved me! It will make things a little easier to makeover since I didn't have to work as hard as I thought I was going to have to work!

Tomorrow is going to be a very big day! We are going for our Ultra Sound! I can't wait! I am going to scan it & send the picture to everyone that I know! Plus you'll be albe to see it here! I promise!

Well, I think next year is going to be a good year for movies. There are 3 movies that I just can't wait for!

Simpson's the Movie - Teaser
TMNT - Teaser
Transformers - Teaser

Those are going to be awesome movies! I can't wait!

There hasn't been much going on in the Fire Department either. It's been pretty quiet; although, Moncton FD has been pretty busy. They had a couple of structure fires lately & they are kinda suspicious.

Also, I read in the Times & Transcript that the RCMP have lost another member. Their Police Dog was found dead in the woods on Saturday afternoon. There was nothing else said about it, but seems suspicious to me...

Talking about deaths, 2 more Canadian Soldiers died during the weekend. I have no idea what my opinion of the Afghan war is. I mean, I think that it's great that Canada has finally stepped up and support a role other then Peacekeeper, but having our Soldiers die is another question. We certainly have not lost as many soldiers as the United States has, but still, loosing 1 soldier is too much.

Talking about war, I remember reading about the war in Lebanon years ago and thinking wow, I'm glad that I wasn't around for that - I was a young kid during the last conflict. But now, I am living during the conflicts & have a huge understand of the potential losses & casualties. I'm just thinking how crazy this world is becoming, but then I think - becoming or always has been. Think about it for a second. I mean, there's always been wars & conflicts, it's just that the world has become a million times smaller because of satellites. We are all connected now. Wanna know what's happening at the other end of the world, simply just google it!


Well, I think that's all that I've got in me today!

'til tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

5 years and Counting

July 14, 2001 - 4:30pm

Allison & I walk out of the St-Pauls United Church in Riverview as Mr & Mrs Gallant.

What an exciting time! I can't believe that it's already been 5 years. Honeslty, the time has really gone by! Mind you, I did move away for 2 years, so, that doesn't help. Also, one thing that we noticed really quick was that we have moved every year since we've been married! that really suckes, but we won't be going anywhere for a while! I'm happy that we are back together full time and that we are finally starting our family & getting things all settled. I know that we will be living really happy lives!

I'd like to know what's going on in Moncton lately! The Moncton FD had a huge fire last night. Maritime Door & Window went up in smoke. It was a huge fire & when I was on my way home last night, the FD cleared the scene past 2 am - well, that's when I turned off my scanner.

Here are a couple of pictures to give you an idea of the magnitude of the fire!

Allison even said that the smoke seemed to fill Main St when she was on her way home from work. I know that I could still smell the soot around midnight last night!!

I got back from Square Lake Resort yesterday & it's a really really nice place. I can't find it on the web, but I found out why! It's basically someone home who has built a few cottages (huge ones, I might add) and rents them out to local companies and only companies. It's a really nice retreat!

Well, that's about everything that I've got right now!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Change is good

Well, we've been moved in for approx 1 month now & things are really looking up! I can tell you that I'm really happy to be home & that I can really notice a difference in my work too!

I actually want to work. While I was in Saint-Leonard, I was mostly passing time while waiting for a transfer to Moncton. Well, now that I'm here, I am answering my phone all the time & getting things done like they are supposed to be done! You can even tell - my problem reports are coming back really clean - no issues like I used to have in Saint-Leonard.

Also, the FD is getting pretty quiet lately - kind of a bad thing - if you are a firefighter, but a good thing if you are a citizen. I was actually talking to an associate of mine who was in Dieppe today & he said that he was driving by a 4 car accident. Well, when I emailed my wife, all she replied was "nice!" - I replied with " Ya, I missed another call!"

Kinda funny!

Well, Allison called me at approx 8pm tonight to tell me that I had missed another call - a structure fire. That's 2 now that I've missed! I can't believe it! Oh well.... It's now midnight & the crews just cleared the scene - so you can imagine the call. It was an apartment building & it looks like there was major fire damage on the 2nd floor & the top floor. Should be interesting to hear what happened! Oh - btw - the call came in at 16h17..... Now, that's a full days work!

Not much more to say other then that!

'til next time!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Business is going good

Well, I've been back in moncton for approx 1 month now and I love it. I do miss the people up north, but not the location.... if that makes any sense! LOL

Anyways, business is going good. I'm trying to get the bank a little more electronic - Podcasting, Web Banners & crap like that, but so far it's all pretty much an uphill battle.

- Oh Well - This will have to do for now!

Allison's belly is starting to grow more and more now! I can't wait to see her at 9mths. She said that she wants to get some picture of her belly done, so I'm giong to start snapping some of those. Also, if I can convince her, I'll post some on here.... We also have another Dr's appointment on Thursday

Well, not much else going on lately. Even the fire department has been a little quiet over the last couple of days!

We also went & saw "Cars" last night. It was awesome! Laugh out Loud funny! I highly recommend this movie! I can't wait to get it on DVD!

Well, enough of me for today!

'til the next one!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Crazy Week

What a crazy week!

It all started last Monday - we got paged out to a vehicle fire with a possible trapped occupant. Upon arrival, we discovered at we had a trapped occupant in the vehicle and it was well to late to do anything.

The car fuel was leaking from the gas tank & it was extreemly stubborn to put out. We ended up filling the gas tank with water and it was finally put out. It took us the better part of the day to actually put out the fire. Almost 2 full hours.

On top of that, I ended up answering 6 calls that day, including 2 medical call. We had the car fire, a punctured gas line, a medical call, a punctured gas line again (same location), another medical call & the last one, I don't remember.

Well, all in all, by the Sunday, I had answered 17 calls for the week. That's not too bad considering that I've only been back for 3 weeks.

And then there's yesterday - we where called out to a possible 10-85, accident with death. Well, on our way, we ended up getting an update saying that it was a cement truck that had fallen on a vehicle.

Well, turns out it was a cement wall that had fallen on a construction worker. The poor guy was 27, married & had a 2yr old at home. We also ended up having a crazy number of calls come in too yesterday. The accident, a father accidently drove over his child, another motor vehicle accident and a medical call.


That's all I can say. I ended up not anwering a "smell of gas" call that came in last night at approx 2030 - cause I wanted to relaxe & spend some time with Allison.

So, all in all, I've answered 25 calls in 3 weeks - that's more then what St-Leonard had when I had left there!

I also heard that Dieppe may be looking to expand it's ranks. I know that there are currently 2 potential openings, but the Chief also said that he'd like to expand to 4 guys per shift. That would mean that there could be 6 openings in the very near futur!

My goal by summers end is also to step up & try to get a promotion. I would like to be considered for at least a casual position and that would mean that I need to figure out what they want from me in order to put me back in the ranks.

Well, that's my crazy week - 'til the next one!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The best Sound in the World

Hard to imagine that we've already been in our house for 1 week. Well, a week & 2 days! LOL I'm back with Dieppe Fire Department & I'm totally loving it! I can't believe how much I've missed home, especially now that I'm living it everyday again!

We went to the doctors on Thursday, June 1, and we had our first pre-natal exam. To be honest, it was the best experience ever! The doctor, who actually graduated highschool with me (how freaky), wasn't sure she could find the baby's heart beat, but she didn't have a problem. She put the "ultrasound" machine on Allison's belly & found it.... It was the best sound ever! I'm so happy that I was there with her.

We are also going for an ultrasound (image version) on July 25th. I'm really excited about that! I know that TMH (The Moncton Hospital) doesn't share the sex of the baby, but I'm hoping for a slip or something like that. I know that I won't recognize anything, but still.... I can keep my fingers crossed!

Well, back to work for now!

'til next time!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The last night alone!

Well, this is it!

My adventure in Edmundston, Grand Falls & Saint-Leonard is almost over! Tonight is the last night that I spend by myself for ever! We have decided that we are never going to do this again! Althought it has brough Allison & I closer together, with a baby on the way, this is not a life to live!

It was really weird giving back my gear to the FD & stuff like that. I think that being part of a 100% volunteer force & having experience from "big city" FD has given me a new appreciation of this job. The volunteers really take care of everything for themselves.

Anyways, back to the subject at hand! ALONE NO MORE!

It's so exciting - in 35hrs, we are going to be home owners again! That's unreal! I can't wait! Well, everything except the stupid payments! LOL

It's going to be fun to be able to make something my own again. To be able to paint a nursery and to be able to make my office the way that I really want it. The only thing that I don't like is the moving! That part I could do without. I always said that the next time that I was moving, the bank was going to do it for me! I guess not.... Should have known better!

Oh well. This is an opportunity to be with my wife & to be a father-to-be! Allison said that I'm not going to recognize her when I see her. Apparently, she has really "popped". I can't wait! I hope that our pregnancy goes without a hitch & that we have a very smooth birth! I'm sure that everything will be perfect; however, living through what Eric & Sylvie have gone through, I guess that it just puts everything into perspective!

Living in this community has certainly given me a ton of new friends. I'm really happy that I am going to continue to be in the Northern NB Market & be able to see everyone at the Area Celebration in October. I hope that they have something fun planned again. Last year it was Academy Awards & the year before that it was Countries of the World. Wait & see I guess.

Well, it's now 2am and I should really be getting to bed! I'm sure that I'm going to have a crazy busy day tomorrow - considering that I will be having supper in Grand Falls & then heading down to Moncton to be with my wife!

I will talk to everyone soon enough!

Bye for now and 'til next time!

Monday, May 15, 2006

What a fucking night!

I can't believe it!

I get home and watch a little tv. Well, I decide to go to bed & walk into the washroom & the floor is wet! I look up & the whole ceiling is starting to collapse.

I'm now super pissed because of the fact that it flooded the washroom - but it get worse.

I walk into the office & I have one missing ceiling tile & it's all over my printer and other stuff. I was beside myself. I didn't even know what to do..... but I knew that I wasn't going to do this by myself so, I called the landlord. Now, just to give you an idea, it's just past 1 am & he doesn't answer the first time, but I leave him a message.

I didnt' want to wait for a call back, so I hit redial and this time he answers. He sort of tried to brush it off & tell me that he's coming down in the morning and that he'd drop by then to see what's going on. I told him that from the looks of it, it seems like it's all coming down. He tells me that he's coming down.

I could tell that he didn't know what to do because he decided to wipe off all of the crap off of my printer, shredder & my whole tool box. I didn't get it, but I guess I appreaciated the help.

Now, it's 4am, I'm wide awake - sort of & I have no office or even client files right now.... I'm looking at another day lost of work because of the clean up. This is not going to be fun! I hope that this shit cleans up easily! Oh well, mop & bucket it is....

I'm not sure what I'm going to do! I'm sure that I'll figure it out! Like always!

Well, I'll post something when I'm all done & let you know what happened.

'til next time!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The best Concert

I'm a bit slow - I know! LOL

Anyways, Allison & I went to the INXS concert on Monday night. Man was it awesome! I've got some pics that you'll see below - wasn't supposed to have a camera in the concert - the guy a row up was told to get put it away. But I was able to sneak a couple of pics......

I know that we are far away, but I originally thought that these seats where pretty good, but we where next to a doorway! That part sucked!

Well - that's it for now!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The word is out!!!

Well, it's official - We are expecting a new addition to our family!


Isn't that crazy! My mom thought so! LOL She said words that she doesn't remember saying.... bad words... She also said that she's going to have to change her vocabulary! That's kinda funny!

The other great news is that we bought a house! We are really happy about that one too! I can't wait to move back to Dieppe. I'm planning on joining the Dieppe Fire Department again & i also found out on monday that the Moncton Fire Department is hiring. I'm kinda hoping that I get in, but then the money situation will be really really really tight. If memory serves me right, the starting salary will on probation is only $30k or so.... Kinda scary, but hey! It's what i want to do!

Talking about Moncton Fire Department and the Dieppe Fire Department, we recently (last year) lost 2 members of the Fire Department.
Pierre Hache passed away last year. He was a devoted Firefighter. I really enjoyed learning from him. He was always helpful & always willing to teach anyone who listenend. He had gone around the province taking pictures of the different fire halls & things like that. He even purchased Dieppe's old Ladder truck for his personal collection.

Another Dieppe Firefighter that passed away was Rene Gauvin. He & his wife had been involved with the FD for a very very long time.

They will both be missed!

So, back to a more positive talk.... We are pregnant! LOL

I am very very excited! I hope that we have a girl! I want a girl. But apparently it's the male comozone that controls that, but i'll keep my fingers crossed....

Well, i think that's all that I have to share right now! I'll keep you posted on our progress. BTW - we have 8 weeks almost completed!

'til next time!


Friday, April 28, 2006

The Jetta is apparently safe!

Here are a couple of videos that I have found to share with you! It's crazy the impact that these videos have.

Being a Firefighter, these scenes are pretty scary!

Here is another one - the original one that I have seen on TV.

Well, like VW says - Safe Happens!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Well, Google Video has some of the craziest stuff! Here is a video of 2 teachers who had some time to waste.

On another note, I got what I've been waiting for! I found out today that I didn't get the job in Moncton; however, I was offered a position in Bouctouche - to replace the Mortgage Specialist who got the job in Moncton.

To be honest with you, that's perfectly fine with me! I am allowed to live where I want, so there's nothing for me to be mad about. It's the same amount of travel between Moncton & Bouctouche as there is where I am now - between Saint-Leonard & Edmundston.

I only have 1 more month left here in Saint-Leonard. What I really like about my new position is that I'm going to stay in the Northern New Brunswick market; which means that I will be able to participate in the NNB area celebration.

Well, that's all I've got for now! Stay tuned for more.....

Monday, April 17, 2006

Here is something that I haven't heard in a while....

When I'm called to duty god wherever flames may rage
Give me strength to save a life whatever be it's age
Help me to embrace a little childbefore it is too late
Or save an older person fromthe horror of that fate
Enable me to be alertto hear the weakest shout
And quickly and efficientlyto put the fire out
I want to fill my calling and to give the best in me
To guard my neighbor and protect his property
And if according to your faith, I am to lose my life
Bless with your protecting hand my children and my wife

Isn't this a nice poem.... It's nice to hear once and a while.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Texas Holdem

Well, this was an interesting evening. I had my first taste of illegal gambling... lol My friend's family was down for the weekend & they decided to have a TH game. It was pretty interesting. I didn't win, but it's the fun that counts.... At least that's what the losers say! LOL

It's funny how life is. I could have gone home this weekend, which I may have; however, Allison and I had a good conversation over the last couple of days that has really helped us to grow closer, at least I think so. It's almost getting to the point that I'm tired of living without her here, or me there.... without her!

I'm not saying that I was fine with it before, it's just that it was manageable. I have even started to actively look for employment outside of the bank in order to be able to relocate to Moncton. Allison is so anxious for us to be together, that she is already house shopping - and I don't even have a position yet. I totally understand why she's doing it, to be prepared for the day, but at the same time, I'm almost worried that we may be getting ahead of ourselves.

Here is a pic of the Saint-Leonard Fire Department. I can tell you one thing for sure. It's not at all the same thing as how a full time department runs. I find myself comparing a lot of things to my old experiences and I have to try to stop that. I know that somethings are good comparisons, but others, I would have to keep to myself. I actually enjoy part of a 100% volunteer FD. It really makes you know your equipment because of the fact that you are checking your equipment, taking care of all of your equiment & gear. Really makes you notice things!

Well, I think that's all I've got for tonight. Keep an eye open, I am going to try to post as often as I can.

Oh, before I forget - Just thought I'd share the other event that happened today! I got to answer my first international fire call.

Van Buren FD had a structure fire this morning. So, having an Automatic Aid response agreement, we rolled out and went accross the border. Nothing extra exciting. Just the same thing as crossing on my own... lol

The fun part came afterwards. They wanted us to join them for a de-briefing & noone was responding (as a Captain or whichever), so I took the initiative to head over myself. Upon arrival, we went through the call details and they invited me to stay for pizza. It was fun! Got to meet more people!

Well, that's it from my little corner of the world!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Just moving in....

Well, as you can tell, this is my first post in the "blogger", but I was smrt enough to bring over my old stuff! LOL (if that even makes any sense!)

Anyways! I don't have much to add right now, but I'll be back!