Monday, May 28, 2007

Anything new wtih you?

Well, not a whole lot is happening on my side of things, but Olivia is pretty busy. She now has a tooth, she's sitting up, rolling over..... what's next - walking i think! LOL

She's also eating - actually self-feeding. She grabs the spoon & puts it into her mouth & everything! It's really awesome to see! We where a little worried that because of her left arm, she would be a little late in the rolling over & stuff, but she's right on time. Everyone is really pleased with her progress.

It's hard to beleive, and I'm sure that I say this every month, but it's already been 6mths. WOW!!!! I can't beleive how fast it's really going by! We are also waiting to hear from a neurologist from Halifax who is going to evaluate Olivia & suggest if we still have to go to Toronto or not.

We are pretty much hoping that the answer is no, but you never know & we are prepared to do what it takes in order to make sure that she has functionality of her arm.

Talking about functionality, we had some company this weekend. Our friends from St-Leonard where down & we had them over on Friday & Saturday. It was fun. I wasn't able to stick around too much unfortunetly because we had 4 fire calls - 2 grass fires - in a very short period of time.

I'm certainly not complaining. I got to drive our Tanker truck at the 2 grass fires. That truck is old & really needs to be replaced, but it's supposed to be done soon.

Zoe, their daughter is growing up really fast! She now has a baby brother who is 10 days older then Olivia & he's a little monster. He eats like there's no tomorrow.

Well, i think it's time to hit the road... gonna head home & get ready for training tonight!

'til next time!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Bird Shits on Bush During Press Conference

This is just funny! I can't believe how people will try to turn it around & say that it's a sign of good luck. - read the article to find out what i mean!

read more | digg story

Thursday, May 17, 2007

1000 Pictures of 1000 Women Wearing $1000 Wedding Dress

Photographer Sonya Naumann's ambitious project that documents her capturing 1000 women wearing her wedding dress.

read more | digg story

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sunday - what a day

Well, Sunday was our daughters baptism. It was a beautiful ceramony. The way that it was done is the church had 3 family having baptisms done. The funny part is that we each knew each other.

The first family was the lady who did our early childhood learning class, the second family was Erin, Allison's sister, and of course we where there.

The great thing was that the minister that baptised Olivia was the same minister that married Allison & I 6yrs ago! That was really nice of her to be able to do that for us.

We then went to Allison's grandmother's house & spent most of the day there. All of the family was invited & we had a brunch. It was really good.

Other then that, not a whole lot going on lately. Work is still pretty busy and I'm trying to make the most of it! It's sometimes frustrating, but I guess that's just the way work is. I mean, the worst thing is that I'm getting frustrated for deals that the clients are screwing up themselves.

Oh, I almost forgot!

We had a house fire on Sunday morning. I wasn't able to attend, as mentioned above, but the guys where on scene from approx 0900 to 1430... It must have been a long day! According to the Times & Transcript, the fire was under control within 20 to 30 minutes. Overhaul is always the longest part of the fire. Making sure that all the hotspots are out.....

I discovered another great site today! It's called flickrvision. It allows you to see what people are uploading to flickr from around the world in real time. It's pretty neat. You get to see the pics & if you want to see them larger, just click & voila!

Well that's pretty much all that i've got for now!

'til next time!

Friday, May 04, 2007


Why is it so hard to think of something to say when you want to say something! Does that even make any sense?

I guess I just wanted to start with a ramble! now that's out of the way, we can carry on....

Olivia is the big 5 today! I can't believe that 5 months has already gone by! You never really realize how fast time does go by until you have a child!

Talking about a child - I ordered some stuff from rbcperformance - a reward program that work has, and it's already in! I'm so excited! It's a fish rocker for Olivia, a walker and a golf bag for me. I think I'm going to take a drive tonight & pick those things up! I can't wait!

Other then that, not a whole lot else is going on. Still pluggin away at work, trying to make a million$$, but I don't think it's going to happen this year. Oh well....

The competition is trying to tempt me to cross over! Talked to an old colleague who works with them & she said that she likes it very much! I'm not sure that I'd want to make the move, just cause, after a 3rd straight year, I'd be starting over again. So I told the area manager for the mtg development officers that I wasn't interested anymore & she didn't take no for an answer... Just like a true banker!

She told me that she was going to send me some information regarding how they work & asked me to compare it to what I'm doing now.... i have yet to receive that email.

Talking about jobs, my sister is going to have an interview with Moncton Regional Vice President on Monday. I'm anxious to see what's going to happen! I can't wait! I hope that she gets it! She needs to have a better income job. She's worked at Coles for the last 10yrs & she's done well, but the income is - as always, retail income. Never enough to really be able to live.

There's also some pretty interesting news with the new Banking Acts. Homeowners no longer need to have a 25% down payment. The Federal Government has decided to reduce that to a 20% down payment before default insurance has to kick in. It might not affect a whole lot of purchase transactions; however, it will have a huge impact on the refinance deals & our new Homeline product.

Talking about new products, RBC has also come out with a way for you to get free banking depending on the number of products that you have. It's a way for us to say Thank You.

Well, I guess that's all I have for now! I must be going!

'til next time!

Bush: “I’m the Commander Guy”

Our friends in the south have it tough!!! All hail to the Commander Guy!

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