Thursday, July 27, 2006

New Truck

I noticed the other day that Moncton aquired a new Rescue truck. I was able to snap a pic with my Razr phone. It's a little fuzzy, but it's pretty good!

This pic was taken at the St George Fire Station. I have some pics of the Dieppe Trucks, but they are very old as the trucks have all been painted to a red color.

So, just thought I'd share this....

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

With much anticipation

Here is the first baby picture ever of Baby Gallant.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Today was the big day!

We went to the hospital for our very first ultrasound. It was very exciting! I've known that we have a baby for a while, but to see it instead of hearing it is just so wonderful! I know that we are really happy to be in this position - to be able to bring a new life into the world!

I guess the baby was really moving around & the technicien was surprised that Allison couldn't feel the baby moving around.

We've got 3 pics & right now they are making their way around Allison's work. I'll be scanning them shortly & posting a pic here along with moving a copy to my Ipod & Phone for later on.

December is not far away! We are going to have to start shopping soon I think. We have to decide what we want to do for a stroller. My sister-in-law is giving us her; however, we need to go & buy a new car seat.

Exciting stuff!

Money is going to have a whole new meaning soon!

Well, nothing else is new yet, so as soon as I get a chance to scan the images, I'll post & share with the world!

'til the next one!

Monday, July 24, 2006

The weekend has come & gone

I can't believe that another weekend has come and gone! It's unreal how fast time is going! Hard to believe that the month of July is already over!

Urgh! oh well!

I had an interesting weekend! I ended up painting a dark blue wall into a beige wall. It turned out to be quite nice actually! I'm really happy with the color that Allison had chosen.

Here are are couple of pics.

Well, that was my weekend! It wasn't bad & I enjoyed painting, so no complaints from me! I also tackled another room that we are trying to renovate, the basement bathroom. It's just plain old ugly!

Here are a couple of pics of that!

The tile was really really ugly & the worst or best thing (depending on how you look at it) was that the tile wasn't even glued to the boards. It was held in place by the grout only! You have no idea how much that actually relieved me! It will make things a little easier to makeover since I didn't have to work as hard as I thought I was going to have to work!

Tomorrow is going to be a very big day! We are going for our Ultra Sound! I can't wait! I am going to scan it & send the picture to everyone that I know! Plus you'll be albe to see it here! I promise!

Well, I think next year is going to be a good year for movies. There are 3 movies that I just can't wait for!

Simpson's the Movie - Teaser
TMNT - Teaser
Transformers - Teaser

Those are going to be awesome movies! I can't wait!

There hasn't been much going on in the Fire Department either. It's been pretty quiet; although, Moncton FD has been pretty busy. They had a couple of structure fires lately & they are kinda suspicious.

Also, I read in the Times & Transcript that the RCMP have lost another member. Their Police Dog was found dead in the woods on Saturday afternoon. There was nothing else said about it, but seems suspicious to me...

Talking about deaths, 2 more Canadian Soldiers died during the weekend. I have no idea what my opinion of the Afghan war is. I mean, I think that it's great that Canada has finally stepped up and support a role other then Peacekeeper, but having our Soldiers die is another question. We certainly have not lost as many soldiers as the United States has, but still, loosing 1 soldier is too much.

Talking about war, I remember reading about the war in Lebanon years ago and thinking wow, I'm glad that I wasn't around for that - I was a young kid during the last conflict. But now, I am living during the conflicts & have a huge understand of the potential losses & casualties. I'm just thinking how crazy this world is becoming, but then I think - becoming or always has been. Think about it for a second. I mean, there's always been wars & conflicts, it's just that the world has become a million times smaller because of satellites. We are all connected now. Wanna know what's happening at the other end of the world, simply just google it!


Well, I think that's all that I've got in me today!

'til tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

5 years and Counting

July 14, 2001 - 4:30pm

Allison & I walk out of the St-Pauls United Church in Riverview as Mr & Mrs Gallant.

What an exciting time! I can't believe that it's already been 5 years. Honeslty, the time has really gone by! Mind you, I did move away for 2 years, so, that doesn't help. Also, one thing that we noticed really quick was that we have moved every year since we've been married! that really suckes, but we won't be going anywhere for a while! I'm happy that we are back together full time and that we are finally starting our family & getting things all settled. I know that we will be living really happy lives!

I'd like to know what's going on in Moncton lately! The Moncton FD had a huge fire last night. Maritime Door & Window went up in smoke. It was a huge fire & when I was on my way home last night, the FD cleared the scene past 2 am - well, that's when I turned off my scanner.

Here are a couple of pictures to give you an idea of the magnitude of the fire!

Allison even said that the smoke seemed to fill Main St when she was on her way home from work. I know that I could still smell the soot around midnight last night!!

I got back from Square Lake Resort yesterday & it's a really really nice place. I can't find it on the web, but I found out why! It's basically someone home who has built a few cottages (huge ones, I might add) and rents them out to local companies and only companies. It's a really nice retreat!

Well, that's about everything that I've got right now!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Change is good

Well, we've been moved in for approx 1 month now & things are really looking up! I can tell you that I'm really happy to be home & that I can really notice a difference in my work too!

I actually want to work. While I was in Saint-Leonard, I was mostly passing time while waiting for a transfer to Moncton. Well, now that I'm here, I am answering my phone all the time & getting things done like they are supposed to be done! You can even tell - my problem reports are coming back really clean - no issues like I used to have in Saint-Leonard.

Also, the FD is getting pretty quiet lately - kind of a bad thing - if you are a firefighter, but a good thing if you are a citizen. I was actually talking to an associate of mine who was in Dieppe today & he said that he was driving by a 4 car accident. Well, when I emailed my wife, all she replied was "nice!" - I replied with " Ya, I missed another call!"

Kinda funny!

Well, Allison called me at approx 8pm tonight to tell me that I had missed another call - a structure fire. That's 2 now that I've missed! I can't believe it! Oh well.... It's now midnight & the crews just cleared the scene - so you can imagine the call. It was an apartment building & it looks like there was major fire damage on the 2nd floor & the top floor. Should be interesting to hear what happened! Oh - btw - the call came in at 16h17..... Now, that's a full days work!

Not much more to say other then that!

'til next time!