Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Free running gymnasts push the envelope

Looks like some people from Moncton are going to be very "internet" popular!!! This is cool!

read more | digg story

Monday, March 26, 2007

Great News

We have movement!

Olivia started to raise & lower her arm a couple of weeks ago & she finally started to bend her elbow last Thursday!

This is very very exciting! We are very happy with what we are seeing & hope that she continues to progress like she is. It's weird seeing 2 arms moving around, but we are extreemly extreemly happy!!!!

More to come later!

'til next time

Saturday, March 24, 2007

You'll Never Guess What's In McDonald's Chicken McNuggets!

Think you know what's in a McDonald's Chicken McNugget? Oh sure, there is a little bit of chicken (though it's mostly corn). But the real shocker is what else is in a McNugget. You'll never guess in a million years ....

read more | digg story

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Stuck on You

I have to say that I think I invested into a great item!!!!

RBC Promos had a sale on recently & I thought that I'd invest into some magnets - fridge magnets to be exact! They where regularly priced at $0.40 each & the sale was for 50% off. So, I thought why not! Lets order 1000 pieces since it's not going to be expensive!!! I've handed a few out to clients already as I have just received them & also sent some to the old staff that I used to work with!

People love them! I've had smiles, I've had compliments - it's great! I really think that this was a great idea. I just hope that it now starts to pay out!

Kent Homes is doing an open house next weekend in Bouctouche! I'm very anxious to see how much business I'm going to get out of this! I hope that it's going to be a great day! They are going to set me up with an office & internet connection, so I'll be able to provide people with instant pre-approvals & so on. This is going to be great!

I think that the snow if finally all gone! I hope that it really doesn't come back!!!

Other then that, there's not a whole lot else going on. I've finally decided to remove my Microsoft Office stuff! I've gone open source! I'm using Open Office right now & I'm liking it. The files can be saved either as a .xls, .doc or whatever type of file you need. It's great & it's FREE!!

I kinda wished work was like this as well, but it may come with time! I'm also starting to debat what I want to do with 5 Alarm Gifts.... I'm not working at it as hard as I could be/should be - so I'm thinking I may take Allison's advice & close up shop. I mean, it's treated me well, but I'm also self-employed as a Mortgage Specialist, so it's no longer a tax issue. I think I want to take this business (Mortgage Rep) as far as I can go. I mean, I'm always in contact with a marketing manager in TO helping me put things together for either advertising or other little things.

Man oh Mighty! I'm sleepy!!!!

Talking about sleepy! Olivia is now sleeping 10 to 12 hrs! it's truly awesome!

Well, i think that's all I got for now!

'til next time!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Tonight is going to be a busy night! I have to write my exam to obtain my "Introduction to Haz-Mat" and afterwards, I have to meet a client.

I don't mind though! I kinda enjoy the rushing around. Keeps me busy! Other then that, there's not a whole lot going on.

As you can see, I've added Twitter - so all my fans - which I know that I have at least one or two, can stay on top of what I'm doing..... LOL

Olivia is still improving. I think we are going to start seeing some elbow bending soon! She is starting to move her arm around more & more every day!!! I'm so happy that it's slowly coming around!

Last night, I was playing around with the idea of trying to manager my own RBC Mortgage Specialist website & I may have convinced some key people to let me do it! So as a temporary site, this is what I have created - Joel Gallant. This page isn't a final copy or anything, but it's just to show what can be done in a couple of hours!

As you can see, I am thinking about doing some podcasting. Obviously it would be Home Ownership related - Either as a buyer or as a seller....

I'm already planning on different topics & hoping to do at least 10 episodes... Something monthly I think. So, we'll see what happens with the whole website thingy first!

Well, client is almost here, so that's all that I've got for now!

'til next time!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Nothing - just Nothing

I've been wanting to blog a little more often recently & today, I can't seem to come up with anything interesting to say!

I know of one thing that could make a lot of people happy! RBC has put a $250 000 prize giveaway together for the Spring Mortgage Campaign. If you want a chance to win, just go to the following site - Gold Key Giveaway and fill out a short survey. You will then be asked to click here to obtain a number or to enter your number from our scratch cards.

Other then that, there's not a whole lot going on. Business is going pretty good. It's really busy in Richibucto lately! I can't beleive it! I almost feel bad for my Bouctouche markets because I haven't been there in almost 2 full weeks.

The Moncton Home Show is also coming up in a couple of weeks. I'm debating if I want to go & spend some time there or not. They Moncton Team is having a meeting next Wednesday & I may go & drop by to see what it's all about. I have made a great partnership with Kent Homes & I'm hoping that it's really going to pay off.

I'm not sure if I had mentioned it or not, but I was contemplating a career change not too long ago. I was thinking of going into Real Estate as a Realtor... Potential money is a million times better then what I'm making now, but also harder to sell a house compared to a client walking into the branch & wanting to meet with me to Refinance their home or whatever.

So, who knows.

I'm also debating if I want to try to create some kind of podcast that would talk about Real Estate & what is involved with Buying & Refinancing. It could be very interesting & could potentially help increase my income.... So, it's always a thought!

Well, I think I'm going to go & visit the Bouctouche Branch!

'til next time!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Light at the end of the Tunnel

Hard to beleive that 3mths has already gone by! WoW!!

The great news is that Olivia has started to move her arm at the shoulder level. She most of it happens during stretching; however, we are still very happy & excited to see this.

We are going to see the Physio on Friday to get some more assessment done. We are still hoping that we won't need to go to TO.... but we'll see!

That's all i've got for now!

'til next time!!