Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Where did the time go?

WOW! I can't believe that most of the month of June is already gone! It's unreal!

Well, work is getting pretty busy and today was one hell of a phone day! I mean, i had something like 10 or 15 voicemail to get through - as soon as I would check them, I would get another call to work on, then I would have 2 more voicemail to check after... just crazy!

Other then that, not a whole lot more going on. Did some really good training at the Fire Dept lately. We did some pumper training & also did some Auto Extrication. It's been fun!

Charleston had a major lost yesterday! They lost 9 firefighters in a Sofa Store fire. Here is a link to the story.

Olivia is doing very well... She's growing up like you wouldn't believe! She's starting to develop an attitude - where if you take something away that she's playing with, she will let you know that she wasn't done with that yet! It's really funny & awesome to see her grow like that.

So, things may be changing soon with me. I can't go into to many details just yet, but kep your eyes open & you'll see what's happening.

Well, that's about it for now!

stay tuned for some news!

'til next time!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Wheel chair gets stuck in 18 wheeler front grill guy goes for ride! 50mph

WTF! This has got to be the weirdest story ever. The wheel chair of a 21-year-old man became lodged in the grill of a semi truck as the vehicle pulled out of a gas station. The semi then began driving down Red Arrow Highway, with its new and unusual hood ornament still attached. Speeds of 50 mph were reached, picture included.

read more | digg story

School to exhibit custom-built motorcycle

What an awesome cause!

read more | digg story

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Great Weekend

The Fire Dept had a weekend training in Wolfville NS. It was very interesting. The whole program was put together from FDIC Atlantic. I ended up being a replacement for someone else and I'm glad that I went.

I took a class on the First 5mins in & Advancing the Initial Attack line. This was put on by a Capitain with the City of Toledo Ohio. It was fun because he was full of energy & involved everyone in the room. What I enjoyed also was the fact that he broke it down to usualable scenarios within our own departments & not in the same makeup as what his department has.

All in all, it was a great weekend.

That's all that I've got for now,

'til next time